public class
public instance
Included modules
KNOWN_STATES | = | [:available, :creating, :deleting, :attached, :detaching].freeze |
Public class methods
Creates a Rudy::AWS::EC2::Volume object from:
volumeSet: item: - status: available size: "1" snapshotId: availabilityZone: us-east-1b attachmentSet: createTime: "2009-03-17T20:10:48.000Z" volumeId: vol-48826421 attachmentSet: item: - attachTime: "2009-03-17T21:49:54.000Z" status: attached device: /dev/sdh instanceId: i-956af3fc volumeId: vol-48826421 requestId: 8fc30e5b-a9c3-4fe0-a979-0f71e639a7c7
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 200 200: def self.from_hash(h) 201: vol = 202: vol.status = h['status'] 203: vol.size = h['size'] 204: vol.snapid = h['snapshotId'] 205: = h['availabilityZone'] 206: vol.awsid = h['volumeId'] 207: vol.created = h['createTime'] 208: if h['attachmentSet'].is_a?(Hash) 209: item = h['attachmentSet']['item'].first 210: vol.status = item['status'] # Overwrite "available status". Possibly a bad idea. 211: vol.device = item['device'] 212: vol.attached = item['attachTime'] 213: vol.instid = item['instanceId'] 214: end 215: vol.postprocess 216: vol 217: end
- vol_id is a String or Rudy::AWS::EC2::Volume
Returns the volume ID
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 221 221: def self.get_vol_id(vol_id) 222: (vol_id.is_a?(Rudy::AWS::EC2::Volume)) ? vol_id.awsid : vol_id 223: end
Is state a known EC2 volume state? See: KNOWN_STATES
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 226 226: def self.known_state?(state) 227: return false unless state 228: state &&= state.to_sym 229: KNOWN_STATES.member?(state) 230: end
Public instance methods
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 151 151: def any?(state=nil,vol_id=[]) 152: vols = list(state, vol_id) 153: !vols.nil? 154: end
(vol_id, inst_id, device)
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 84 84: def attach(vol_id, inst_id, device) 85: vol_id = Volumes.get_vol_id(vol_id) 86: inst_id = inst_id.is_a?(Rudy::AWS::EC2::Instance) ? inst_id.awsid : inst_id 87: raise NoVolumeID unless vol_id 88: raise VolumeAlreadyAttached, vol_id if attached?(vol_id) 89: raise NoInstanceID unless inst_id 90: raise NoDevice unless device 91: 92: opts = { 93: :volume_id => vol_id, 94: :instance_id => inst_id, 95: :device => device.to_s # Solaris devices are numbers 96: } 97: ret = Rudy::AWS::EC2.execute_request(false) { @@ec2.attach_volume(opts) } 98: (ret['status'] == 'attaching') 99: end
(size, zone, snapid=nil)
- size the number of GB
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 51 51: def create(size, zone, snapid=nil) 52: opts = { 53: :availability_zone => zone.to_s, 54: :size => (size || 1).to_s 55: } 56: 57: opts[:snapshot_id] = snapid if snapid 58: 59: # "status"=>"creating", 60: # "size"=>"1", 61: # "snapshotId"=>nil, 62: # "requestId"=>"d42ff744-48b5-4f47-a3f0-7aba57a13eb9", 63: # "availabilityZone"=>"us-east-1b", 64: # "createTime"=>"2009-03-17T20:10:48.000Z", 65: # "volumeId"=>"vol-48826421" 66: vol = Rudy::AWS::EC2.execute_request({}) { @@ec2.create_volume(opts) } 67: 68: # TODO: use a waiter? 69: #Rudy.waiter(1, 30) do 70: # ret = @@@ec2.volumes.available?(volume.awsid) 71: #end 72: 73: reqid = vol['requestId'] 74: Volumes.from_hash(vol) || nil 75: end
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 77 77: def destroy(vol_id) 78: vol_id = Volumes.get_vol_id(vol_id) 79: raise VolumeNotAvailable, vol_id unless available?(vol_id) 80: ret = Rudy::AWS::EC2.execute_request({}) { @@ec2.delete_volume(:volume_id => vol_id) } 81: (ret['return'] == 'true') 82: end
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 101 101: def detach(vol_id) 102: vol_id = Volumes.get_vol_id(vol_id) 103: raise NoVolumeID unless vol_id 104: raise VolumeNotAttached, vol_id unless attached?(vol_id) 105: ret = Rudy::AWS::EC2.execute_request({}) { 106: @@ec2.detach_volume(:volume_id => vol_id) 107: } 108: (ret['status'] == 'detaching') 109: end
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 156 156: def exists?(vol_id) 157: vol_id = Volumes.get_vol_id(vol_id) 158: vol = get(vol_id) 159: return false if vol.nil? 160: return false if vol.deleting? 161: !vol.nil? 162: end
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 164 164: def get(vol_id) 165: vol_id = Volumes.get_vol_id(vol_id) 166: list(:any, vol_id).first rescue nil 167: end
(state=nil, vol_id=[], &each_vol)
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 112 112: def list(state=nil, vol_id=[], &each_vol) 113: volumes = list_as_hash(state, vol_id, &each_vol) 114: volumes &&= volumes.values 115: volumes 116: end
(state=nil, vol_id=[], &each_vol)
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 118 118: def list_as_hash(state=nil, vol_id=[], &each_vol) 119: state &&= state.to_sym 120: state = nil if state == :any 121: # A nil state is fine, but we don't want an unknown one! 122: raise UnknownState, state if state && !Volumes.known_state?(state) 123: 124: opts = { 125: :volume_id => vol_id ? [vol_id].flatten : [] 126: } 127: 128: vlist = Rudy::AWS::EC2.execute_request({}) { 129: @@ec2.describe_volumes(opts) 130: } 131: 132: volumes = {} 133: return volumes unless vlist['volumeSet'].is_a?(Hash) 134: vlist['volumeSet']['item'].each do |vol| 135: v = Volumes.from_hash(vol) 136: next if state && v.state != state.to_s 137: volumes[v.awsid] = v 138: end 139: volumes.values.each { |v| } if each_vol 140: volumes = nil if volumes.empty? 141: volumes 142: end
(instid, &each_vol)
[show source]
# File lib/rudy/aws/ec2/volume.rb, line 144 144: def list_by_instance(instid, &each_vol) 145: instid = instid.awsid if instid.is_a? Rudy::AWS::EC2::Instance 146: volumes = list(:attached, &each_vol) 147: volumes &&= { |v| v.instid == instid } 148: volumes 149: end