Class Rudy::CLI::Disks

  1. lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb

Public instance methods

disks ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb, line 7
 7:       def disks
 8:         disk_list = get_disks
 9:         # If there are no disks currently, there could be backups
10:         # so we grab those to create a list of disks. 
11:         if @option.backups
12:           backups = Rudy::Backups.list(more, less) || []
13:           backups.each_with_index do |b, index|
14:             disk_list << b.disk
15:           end
16:         end
17:         # We go through the list of disks but we'll skip ones we've seen
18:         seen = []
19:         disk_list.each do |d|
20:           next if seen.member?(
21:           seen <<
22:           print_stobject d
23:           if @option.backups
24:             d.backups.each_with_index do |b, index|
25:               li '  %s' %
26:               ##break if @option.all.nil? && index >= 2 # display only 3, unless all
27:             end
28:           end
29:         end
30:       end
disks_create ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb, line 63
63:       def disks_create
64:         @mlist.each do |m|  
65:           li machine_separator(, m.instid)
66:           rbox = Rudy::Routines::Handlers::RyeTools.create_box m
67:           rbox.stash = m
68:           disk = m.position, @argv.first
69:           disk.device = @option.device if @option.device
70:           disk.size = @option.size if @option.size
71:           disk.refresh! if disk.exists?  # We need the volume ID if available
72:           li "Creating disk: #{}"
73:           volumes = m.attached_volumes
74:           # don't include the current disk in the count. 
75:           volumes.reject! { |v| v.awsid == disk.volid } if disk.volid && disk.volume_attached?
76:           disk_index = volumes.size + 2
77:           Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Disks.create rbox, disk, disk_index
78:         end
79:       end
disks_create_valid? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb, line 50
50:       def disks_create_valid?
51:         @mlist = Rudy::Machines.list
52:         raise "No machines" if @mlist.nil?
54:         raise "No path provided" unless @argv.first
55:         if !@@global.force && Rudy::Disks.exists?( @argv.first)
56:           raise "Disk exists" if Rudy::Disks.get(@argv.first).volume_attached?
57:         end
58:         raise "No size provided" unless @option.size
60:         true
61:       end
disks_destroy ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb, line 93
 93:       def disks_destroy
 94:         execute_check(:medium)
 95:         if !@mlist.empty?
 96:           @mlist.each do |m|  
 97:             rbox = Rudy::Routines::Handlers::RyeTools.create_box m
 98:             rbox.stash = m
 99:             disk = m.position, @argv.first
100:             li "Destroying disk: #{}"
101:             Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Disks.destroy rbox, disk, 0
102:           end
103:         else
104:           @dlist.each do |d|
105:             li "Working on #{}"
106:             Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Disks.destroy nil, d, 0
107:           end
108:         end
109:       end
disks_destroy_valid? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb, line 81
81:       def disks_destroy_valid?
82:         @dlist = Rudy::Disks.list
83:         raise "No disks" if @dlist.nil?
85:         @mlist = Rudy::Machines.list
86:         raise "No machines" if @mlist.nil? && !@@global.force
88:         raise "No path provided" unless @argv.first
89:         raise "Disk does not exist" unless Rudy::Disks.exists? @argv.first
90:         true
91:       end
disks_wash ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/disks.rb, line 32
32:       def disks_wash
33:         dirt = (get_disks || []).select { |d| !d.volume_exists? }
34:         if dirt.empty?
35:           li "Nothing to wash in #{current_machine_group}"
36:           return
37:         end
39:         li "The following disk metadata will be deleted:"
40:         li dirt.collect {|d| }
42:         execute_check(:medium)
44:         dirt.each do |d|
45:           d.destroy(:force)
46:         end
48:       end