Class Rudy::CLI::Machines

  1. lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb

Public instance methods

associate_machines ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 93
 93:       def associate_machines 
 95:         li "Assigning static IP addresses for:"
 96:         li @mlist.collect { |m| }
 98:         execute_check(:medium)
100:         @mlist.each do |m|
101:           next if @mlist_static.member?(m)
102:           address = @alist_unused.shift
103:           address ||= Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.create.ipaddress
104:           li "Associating #{address} to #{} (#{m.instid})"
105:           Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.associate(address, m.instid)
106:           sleep 2
107:           m.refresh!
108:         end
110:         @alist = Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.list || []
111:         @alist_used    = { |a|  a.associated? }
112:         @alist_instids = @alist_used.collect { |a| a.instid }
113:         @mlist_static  = do |m| 
114:           @alist_instids.member?(m.instid)
115:         end
117:         unless @mlist_static.empty?
118:           @mlist_static.each do |m|
119:             li "%s: %s" % [, m.dns_public]
120:           end
121:         end
122:       end
associate_machines_valid? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 48
48:       def associate_machines_valid?
49:         @mlist = get_machines
50:         @alist = Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.list || []
51:         @alist_used    = { |a|  a.associated? }
52:         @alist_unused  = { |a| !a.associated? }
53:         @alist_unused.collect! { |a| a.ipaddress }
54:         @alist_instids = @alist_used.collect { |a| a.instid }
55:         @mlist_static  = do |m| 
56:           @alist_instids.member?(m.instid)
57:         end
59:         unless @@global.force
60:           unless @mlist_static.empty?
61:             msg = "Some machines already have static IP addresses: #{$/}"
62:             msg << @mlist_static.collect { |m| "#{}: #{m.dns_public}" }.join($/)
63:             raise Rudy::Error, msg 
64:           end
66:           if !@argv.empty? && @mlist.size > @argv.size
67:             msg = "You supplied #{@argv.size} addresses for #{@mlist.size} "
68:             msg << "machines. Try: rudy --force machines -S #{@argv.join(' ')}"
69:             raise Rudy::Error, msg
70:           end
72:           if @alist_unused.size > 0 && @alist_unused.size < @mlist.size
73:             msg = "There are only #{@alist_unused.size} available addresses for "
74:             msg << "#{@mlist.size} machines. Try: rudy --force machines -S #{@argv.join(' ')}"
75:             raise Rudy::Error, msg
76:           end
77:         end
79:         @argv.each do |address|
80:           unless Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.exists?(address)
81:             raise "#{address} is not allocated to you" 
82:           end
83:           if Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.associated?(address)
84:             raise "#{address} is already associated!"
85:           end
86:         end
88:         @alist_unused = @argv unless @argv.empty? 
90:         true
91:       end
available_machines ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 180
180:       def available_machines
181:         mlist = get_machines
182:         mlist.each do |m|
183:           print "#{}: "
184:           m.refresh!
185:           port = ? 3389 : 22
186:           Rudy::Utils.waiter(2, 60, STDOUT, nil, 0) {
187:             Rudy::Utils.service_available?(m.dns_public, port)
188:           }
189:           available = Rudy::Utils.service_available?(m.dns_public, port)
190:           li available ? 'up' : 'down'
191:         end
193:       end
disassociate_machines ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 138
138:       def disassociate_machines
139:         if @mlist_static.empty?
140:           li "No machines in #{current_group_name} have static IP addresses"
141:         else
142:           li "The following machines will be updated:"
143:           li @mlist_static.collect { |m| }
144:           li "NOTE: Unassigned IP addresses are not removed from your account"
145:           execute_check(:medium)
146:           @mlist_static.each do |m|
147:             address = Resolv.getaddress m.dns_public
148:             li "Disassociating #{address} from #{} (#{m.instid})"
149:             Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.disassociate(address)
150:           end
151:         end
152:       end
disassociate_machines_valid? ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 125
125:       def disassociate_machines_valid?
126:         @mlist = get_machines
127:         @alist = Rudy::AWS::EC2::Addresses.list || []
128:         @alist_used    = { |a|  a.associated? }
129:         @alist_instids = @alist_used.collect { |a| a.instid }
130:         @mlist_static  = do |m| 
131:           @alist_instids.member?(m.instid)
132:         end
133:         raise NoMachines, current_group_name if @mlist.empty?
134:         true
135:       end
machines ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 7
 7:       def machines
 8:         mlist = get_machines
 9:         print_stobjects mlist
10:       end
machines_console ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 12
12:       def machines_console
13:         mlist = get_machines
14:         mlist.each do |machine|
15:           li machine_separator(, machine.instid)
16:           li machine.get_console
17:         end
18:       end
machines_password ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 20
20:       def machines_password
21:         mlist = get_machines
22:         mlist.each do |machine|
23:           li machine_separator(, machine.instid)
24:           li "Password for %s: %s" % [machine.dns_public, machine.get_password]
25:         end
26:         Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Group.authorize rescue nil
27:       end
machines_wash ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 29
29:       def machines_wash
30:         mlist = get_machines
31:         dirt = { |m| !m.instance_running? }
33:         if dirt.empty?
34:           li "Nothing to wash in #{current_machine_group}"
35:           return
36:         end
38:         li "The following machine metadata will be deleted:".bright
39:         li dirt.collect {|m| }
40:         execute_check(:medium)
42:         dirt.each do |m|
43:           m.destroy
44:         end
46:       end
ssh ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 201
201:       def ssh
204:         # TODO: Give this method a good look over
205:         pkey = current_user_keypairpath
206:         unless pkey
207:           li "No private key configured for #{current_machine_user} in #{current_machine_group}"
208:         end
210:         # Options to be sent to Rye::Box
211:         rye_opts = { :user => current_machine_user, :keys => [], :debug => nil, :info => STDOUT }
212:         if File.exists? pkey 
213:           #raise "Cannot find file #{pkey}" unless File.exists?(pkey)
214:           if Rudy.sysinfo.os != :windows && File.stat(pkey).mode != 33152
215:             raise InsecureKeyPermissions, pkey 
216:           end
217:           rye_opts[:keys] << pkey 
218:         end
220:         local_keys = Rye.keys
221:         rye_opts[:keys] += local_keys if local_keys.is_a?(Array)
223:         li "# SSH OPTS", rye_opts.to_yaml if @@global.verbose > 3
225:         # The user specified a command to run. We won't create an interactive
226:         # session so we need to prepare the command and its arguments
227:         if @argv.first
228:           command, command_args = @argv.shift, @argv || []
229:           Rudy::Huxtable.ld "COMMAND: #{command} #{command_args.join(' ')}" if @@global.verbose > 1
231:         # otherwise, we'll open an ssh session or print command
232:         else
233:           command, command_args = :interactive_ssh, @option.print.nil?
234:         end
236:         if command == :interactive_ssh && @global.parallel
237:           raise "Cannot run interactive sessions in parallel"
238:         end
240:         checked = false
241:         lt = get_machines
243:         rset =, :parallel => @global.parallel)
244:         lt.each do |machine|
245:           if Rudy::Machine === machine 
246:             machine.refresh! # make sure we have the latest DNS info 
247:             rbox =, rye_opts)
248:             rbox.nickname =
249:             instid = machine.instid
250:           else
251:             rbox =, rye_opts)
252:             rbox.nickname = machine
253:             instid = ''
254:           end
256:           if command == :interactive_ssh
257:             # Print header
258:             if @@global.quiet
259:               print "You are #{rye_opts[:user].to_s.bright}. " if !checked # only the 1st
260:             else
261:               li machine_separator(rbox.nickname, instid)
262:               li "Connecting #{rye_opts[:user].to_s.bright}@#{} "
263:               li
264:             end
265:           else
266:             unless @global.parallel
267:               rbox.pre_command_hook do |cmd,user,host,nickname|
268:                 print_command user, nickname, cmd
269:               end
270:             end
271:             rbox.post_command_hook do |ret|
272:               print_response ret
273:             end
274:           end
276:           # Make sure we want to run this command on all instances
277:           if !checked && command != :interactive_ssh 
278:             execute_check(:low) if current_machine_user == "root"
279:             checked = true
280:           end
282:           # Open the connection and run the command          
283:           if command == :interactive_ssh
284:             rbox.send(command, command_args) 
285:           else
286:             rset.add_box rbox
287:           end
288:         end
290:         rset.send(command, command_args) unless command == :interactive_ssh
292:       end
ssh_valid? ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 196
196:       def ssh_valid?
197:         #raise "SSH not supported on Windows" if current_machine_os.to_s == 'windows'
198:         true
199:       end
update_machines ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/cli/machines.rb, line 154
154:       def update_machines
155:         mlist = get_machines
156:         rset =, :parallel => @@global.parallel, :user => current_machine_root)
157:         rset.add_key user_keypairpath(current_machine_root)
158:         os = current_machine_os
159:         mlist.each do |m|
160:           li "Updating #{}"
161:           rbox = Rudy::Routines::Handlers::RyeTools.create_box m
162:           rbox.stash = m
163:           m.refresh!
164:           rset.add_boxes rbox
165:           if m.os.to_s != os.to_s
166:             li "os: #{os}"
167:             m.os = os
168:           end
169:  :replace
170:         end
172:         unless os.to_s == 'windows'
173:           li "Updating hostnames for #{current_group_name}"
174:           Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Host.set_hostname rset
175:           li rset.hostname.flatten
176:         end
178:       end