Class Rudy::Config

  1. lib/rudy/config/objects.rb
  2. lib/rudy/config.rb
  3. show all
Parent: Caesars::Config

Public class methods

init_config_dir ()
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 106
106:     def self.init_config_dir
108:       unless File.exists?(Rudy::CONFIG_DIR)
109:         puts "Creating #{Rudy::CONFIG_DIR}"
110:         Dir.mkdir(Rudy::CONFIG_DIR, 0700)
111:       end
113:       unless File.exists?(Rudy::CONFIG_FILE)
114:         puts "Creating #{Rudy::CONFIG_FILE}"
115:         rudy_config = Rudy::Utils.without_indent %Q`
116:           accounts {                           # Account Access Indentifiers
117:             aws {                              # amazon web services
118:               name "Rudy Default"
119:               accountnum ""
120:               accesskey ""
121:               secretkey ""
122:               pkey "~/path/2/pk-xxxx.pem"
123:               cert "~/path/2/cert-xxxx.pem"
124:             }
125:           }
126: `
127:         Rudy::Utils.write_to_file(Rudy::CONFIG_FILE, rudy_config, 'w', 0600)
128:       end
129:     end

Public instance methods

accounts? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 14
14:     def accounts?; self.respond_to?(:accounts) && !self[:accounts].nil?; end
commands? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 17
17:     def commands?; self.respond_to?(:commands) && !self[:commands].nil?; end
defaults? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 15
15:     def defaults?; self.respond_to?(:defaults) && !self[:defaults].nil?; end
look_and_load (adhoc_path=nil)

Looks for a loads configuration files from standard locations.


./machines.rb, ./routines.rb, ./commands.rb

When multuple files are found, the configuration is NOT OVERRIDDEN, it’s ADDED or APPENDED depending on context. This means you can split configuration across as many files as you please.

There are five sections: accounts, defaults, machines, commands and routines.

By convention, accounts go in ./.rudy/config or ~/.rudy/config machines, commands, routines, and defaults configuration go in ./Rudyfile or into separate files in ./.rudy or ./config/rudy (machines.rb, commands.rb, …)

If adhoc_path is supplied (e.g. rudy -C config/file/path routines), this method will look for ~/.rudy/config or ./.rudy/config but none of the other default file locations other than the supplied path. If it’s an Array, all paths will be loaded.

[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 71
 71:     def look_and_load(adhoc_path=nil)
 72:       cwd = Dir.pwd
 73:       cwd_path = File.join(cwd, '.rudy', 'config')
 75:       # Attempt to load the core configuration file first.
 76:       # The "core" config file can have any or all configuration
 77:       # but it should generally only contain the access identifiers
 78:       # and defaults. That's why we only load one of them. 
 79:       core_config_paths = [cwd_path, Rudy::CONFIG_FILE]
 80:       core_config_paths.each do |path|
 81:         next unless path && File.exists?(path)
 82:         @paths << path
 83:         break
 84:       end
 86:       if adhoc_path.nil?
 87:         # self.keys returns the current config types (machines, routines, etc...)
 88:         typelist = self.keys.collect { |g| "#{g}.rb" }.join(',')
 90:         # Rudy then looks for the rest of the config in these locations
 91:         @paths += Dir.glob(File.join(Rudy.sysinfo.home, '.rudy', '*.rb')) || []
 92:         @paths += Dir.glob(File.join(cwd, 'Rudyfile')) || []
 93:         @paths += Dir.glob(File.join(cwd, 'config', 'rudy', '*.rb')) || []
 94:         @paths += Dir.glob(File.join(cwd, '.rudy', '*.rb')) || []
 95:         @paths += Dir.glob(File.join(cwd, "{#{typelist}}")) || []
 96:         @paths += Dir.glob(File.join('/etc', 'rudy', '*.rb')) || []
 97:         @paths &&= @paths.uniq
 98:       else
 99:         @paths += [adhoc_path].flatten
100:       end
102:       refresh
103:     end
machines? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 16
16:     def machines?; self.respond_to?(:machines) && !self[:machines].nil?; end
postprocess ()

This method is called by Caesars::Config.refresh for every DSL file that is loaded and parsed. If we want to run processing for a particular config (machines, @routines, etc...) we can do it here. Just wait until the instance variable is not nil.

[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 24
24:     def postprocess
25:       #raise "There is no AWS info configured" if self.accounts.nil?
27:       # These don't work anymore. Caesars bug?
28:       #if accounts? && !
29:       # &&= File.expand_path( 
30:       # &&= File.expand_path(
31:       #end
33:       # The commands config modifies the way the routines configs
34:       # should be parsed. This happens in the postprocess method
35:       # we call here. We can't guarantee this will run before the
36:       # routines config is loaded so this postprocess method will
37:       # raise a Caesars::Config::ForceRefresh exception if that's
38:       # the case. Rudy::Config::Commands knows to only raise the
39:       # exception one time (using a boolean flag in a class var).
40:       @commands.postprocess if @commands
41:       @defaults.postprocess if @defaults
43:       # default will be nil if non was specified. We at least want the object.
44:       @defaults = if @defaults.nil?
45:     end
routines? ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/config.rb, line 18
18:     def routines?; self.respond_to?(:routines) && !self[:routines].nil?; end