Class Rudy::Global
  1. lib/rudy/global.rb
Parent: Storable


This global class is used by all Huxtable objects. When a new CLI global is added, the appropriate field must be added to this class (optional: a default value in initialize).


public class

  1. new

public instance

  1. apply_config
  2. region=
  3. to_s
  4. update
  5. zone=


print_header [RW]

Public class methods

new ()
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/global.rb, line 50
50:     def initialize
51:       postprocess
52:       # These attributes MUST have values. 
53:       @verbose ||= 0
54:       @nocolor = true unless @nocolor == "false" || @nocolor == false
55:       @quiet ||= false
56:       @parallel ||= false
57:       @force ||= false
58:       @format ||= :string # as in, to_s
59:       @print_header = true if @print_header == nil
60:     end

Public instance methods

apply_config (config)
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/global.rb, line 62
62:     def apply_config(config)
64:       return unless config.is_a?(Rudy::Config)
65:       clear_system_defaults  # temporarily unapply default values
67:       if config.defaults?
68:         # Apply the "color" default before "nocolor" so nocolor has presedence
69:         @nocolor = !config.defaults.color unless config.defaults.color.nil?
70:         # WARNING: Don't add user to this list. The global value should return
71:         # the value specified on the command line or nil. If it is nil, we can
72:         # check the value from the machines config. If that is nil, we use the
73:         # value from the defaults config. 
74:         # WARNING: Don't add bucket either or any machines configuration param 
75:         # TODO: investigate removing this apply_config method
76:         %w[region zone environment role position bucket
77:            localhost nocolor quiet auto force parallel].each do |name|
78:           curval, defval = self.send(name), config.defaults.send(name)
79:           if curval.nil? && !defval.nil?
80:             # Don't use the accessors. These are defaults so no Region  magic. 
81:             self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", defval) 
82:           end
83:         end
84:       end
86:       if config.accounts? &&
87:         %w[accesskey secretkey accountnum cert pkey].each do |name|
88:           val =
89:           self.send("#{name}=", val) unless val.nil?
90:         end
91:       end
92:       postprocess
93:     end
region= (r)
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/global.rb, line 106
106:     def region=(r)
107:       @region = r
108:       @zone = "#{@region}b".to_sym
109:     end
to_s (*args)
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/global.rb, line 111
111:     def to_s(*args)
112:       super()
113:     end
update (ghash={})
[show source]
    # File lib/rudy/global.rb, line 95
95:     def update(ghash={})
96:       ghash = ghash.marshal_dump if ghash.is_a?(OpenStruct) 
97:       ghash.each_pair { |n,v| self.send("#{n}=", v) } 
98:       postprocess
99:     end
zone= (z)
[show source]
     # File lib/rudy/global.rb, line 101
101:     def zone=(z)
102:       @zone = z
103:       @region = @zone.to_s.gsub(/[a-z]$/, '').to_sym
104:     end