public class
- build_criteria
- connect
- create_domain
- destroy
- destroy_domain
- domain
- domain=
- exists?
- get
- get_rclass
- included
- new
- put
- select
public instance
Included modules
Classes and Modules
Module Rudy::Metadata::ClassMethodsModule Rudy::Metadata::InstanceMethods
Class Rudy::Metadata::DuplicateRecord
Class Rudy::Metadata::UnknownObject
Class Rudy::Metadata::UnknownRecordType
COMMON_FIELDS | = | [:region, :zone, :environment, :role].freeze |
Public class methods
Generates a default criteria for all metadata based on region, zone, environment, and role. If a position has been specified in the globals it will also be included.
- rtype is the record type. One of: m, disk, or back.
- fields replaces and adds values to this criteria
- less removes keys from the default criteria.
Returns a Hash.
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 96 96: def self.build_criteria(rtype, fields={}, less=[]) 97: fields ||= {} 98: fields[:rtype] = rtype 99: fields[:position] = @@global.position unless @@global.position.nil? 100: names = Rudy::Metadata::COMMON_FIELDS 101: values = names.collect { |n| @@global.send(n.to_sym) } 102: mixer = 103: criteria = Hash[*mixer].merge(fields) 104: criteria.reject! { |n,v| less.member?(n) } 105: Rudy::Huxtable.ld "CRITERIA: #{criteria.inspect}" 106: criteria 107: end
Creates instances of the following and stores to class variables:
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 29 29: def self.connect(accesskey, secretkey, region, reconnect=false) 30: return @@rsdb unless reconnect || @@rsdb.nil? 31: @@rsdb = accesskey, secretkey, region 32: true 33: end
Creates a SimpleDB domain named n and updates +@@domain+ if successful
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 44 44: def self.create_domain(n) 45: @@domain = n if @@rsdb.create_domain n 46: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 71 71: def self.destroy(n) 72: Rudy::Huxtable.ld "DESTROY: #{n}" if Rudy.debug? 73: @@rsdb.destroy @@domain, n 74: end
Destroys a SimpleDB domain named n and sets +@@domain+ to Rudy::DOMAIN
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 49 49: def self.destroy_domain(n) 50: Rudy::Huxtable.ld "DESTROY: #{n}" if Rudy.debug? 51: @@rsdb.destroy_domain n 52: @@domain = Rudy::DOMAIN 53: true 54: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 34 34: def self.domain(name=nil) 35: return @@domain if name.nil? 36: @@domain = name 37: end
An alias for Rudy::Metadata.domain
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 39 39: def self.domain=(*args) 40: domain *args 41: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 62 62: def self.exists?(n) 63: !get(n).nil? 64: end
Get a record from SimpleDB with the key n
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 57 57: def self.get(n) 58: Rudy::Huxtable.ld "GET: #{n}" if Rudy.debug? 59: @@rsdb.get @@domain, n 60: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 13 13: def self.get_rclass(rtype) 14: case rtype 15: when Rudy::Machines::RTYPE 16: Rudy::Machines 17: when Rudy::Disks::RTYPE 18: Rudy::Disks 19: when Rudy::Backups::RTYPE 20: Rudy::Backups 21: else 22: raise UnknownRecordType, rtype 23: end 24: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 156 156: def self.included(obj) 157: obj.send :include, Rudy::Metadata::InstanceMethods 158: 159: # Add common storable fields. 160: [COMMON_FIELDS, :position].flatten.each do |n| 161: obj.field n 162: end 163: 164: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 166 166: def initialize(rtype, opts={}) 167: @rtype = rtype 168: @position = position || @@global.position || '01' 169: 170: COMMON_FIELDS.each { |n| 171: ld "SETTING: #{n}: #{@@global.send(n)}" if @@global.verbose > 3 172: instance_variable_set("@#{n}", @@global.send(n)) 173: } 174: 175: opts.each_pair do |n,v| 176: raise "Unknown attribute for #{self.class}: #{n}" if !self.has_field? n 177: next if v.nil? 178: ld "RESETTING: #{n}: #{v}" if @@global.verbose > 3 179: self.send("#{n}=", v) 180: end 181: 182: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 66 66: def self.put(n, o, replace=false) 67: Rudy::Huxtable.ld "PUT: #{n}" if Rudy.debug? 68: @@rsdb.put @@domain, n, o, replace 69: end
Generates and executes a SimpleDB select query based on the specified fields Hash. See self.build_criteria.
Returns a Hash. keys are SimpleDB object IDs and values are the object attributes.
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 81 81: def{}) 82: squery = Rudy::AWS::SDB.generate_select @@domain, fields 83: Rudy::Huxtable.ld "SELECT: #{squery}" if Rudy.debug? 84: squery 85: end
Public instance methods
Compares the names between two Rudy::Metadata objects.
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 225 225: def ==(other) 226: return false unless other === self.class 227: == 228: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 201 201: def descriptors(*additional) 202: criteria = { 203: :region => @region, :zone => @zone, 204: :environment => @environment, :role => @role 205: } 206: additional.each do |att| 207: criteria[att] = self.send(att) 208: end 209: ld "DESCRIPTORS: #{criteria.inspect} (#{additional})" 210: criteria 211: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 195 195: def destroy(force=false) 196: raise UnknownObject, unless self.exists? 197: Rudy::Metadata.destroy 198: true 199: end
Is there an object in SimpleDB where the key ==
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 231 231: def exists? 232: !Rudy::Metadata.get( 233: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 184 184: def name(*other) 185: parts = [@rtype, @zone, @environment, @role, @position, *other].flatten 186: parts.join Rudy::DELIM 187: end
Refresh the metadata object from SimpleDB. If the record doesn’t exist it will raise an UnknownObject error
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 215 215: def refresh! 216: raise UnknownObject, unless self.exists? 217: h = Rudy::Metadata.get 218: return false if h.nil? || h.empty? 219: obj = self.from_hash(h) 220: obj.postprocess 221: obj 222: end
# File lib/rudy/metadata.rb, line 189 189: def save(replace=false) 190: raise DuplicateRecord, unless replace || !self.exists? 191: Rudy::Metadata.put, self.to_hash, replace 192: true 193: end